Premier Live Streaming Ticket


Archives (1)

Note: You can also watch videos for available period.

2025/3/9(日)昼公演 新宿Marble
●OPEN 11:45 / START 12:00
●前売り¥3400(D別) / 当日¥3900(D別)
※ご予約は 【TIGET URL】 まで
●ツイキャスプレミア配信 ¥2000

※アーカイブ2週間(〜3/23 23:59)
A Month of Sundays、usabeni、つるうちはなと家族、The Broken TV

Purchase Ticket

Live has already finished. Videos may be available, but please check the available period before purchase.
花とポップス企画「サンキュー!花ポ9周年」 2,000 JPY(tax included) more

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