EVENT \クレーンゲームが登場/スコア20点以上でソノヒグラシマスコット🎁【7/7まで】 INFO 【配信者の方へ】ツイキャスで収益を得るには

Please comment!

00:00 Bored so i am Drawing 02:38 Please comment!!!! 😭😭 02:58 Will you comment? 06:59 Please comment!

Please comment!

00:00 Bored so i am Drawing 02:38 Please comment!!!! 😭😭 02:58 Will you comment? 06:59 Please comment!
09:46 > 31

最近の録画 すべて見る

31 7
Please comment!  Wassup people, I'm live!!!!!!!!!!!! <img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/1072F.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/1072F.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/1072F.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/1072F.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/1072F.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/32A.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/32A.gif" width="14" height="15" /><img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/32A.gif" width="14" height="15" />
33 6
Bored so i am Drawing  Wassup people, I'm live!!!!
22 9
Bored so i am Drawing  It ended on accident sorry! I am back on though!
34 4
Bored so i am Drawing  I am back on I hope I get to do a fdan spree!
27 16
Q&A?? #Bored  Hey I am on #noschool!!
50 5
Are you still here?  I am back sorry it ended by itself!
47 3
Q&A......... bored  I am back let's do a Q&A!!
55 1
Q&A......... bored  I am back on it ended on accident sorry!
67 3
Q&A......... bored  Hey I am back on!
154 19
Have to use the bathroom  Hello I am a new person to this so if you could join please!! <img class="emoji" src="/img/e/k/B1A.gif" width="14" height="15" />